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Certify quality Anticipate the future


Quality and efficiency

POLIMOR aims at clients satisfaction through the respect of quality respect system UNI EN ISO 9001 :2015

Quality is assured with the continuous monitor during the productive phase and before the delivery. Quality is also assured with constant contact with our clients, in order to ensure the improvement of all processes.

Respect of delivery time and capacity of managing faster productions.

Development of new competitive products with the sight always on the market.

Measurement of factory activities in terms of product quality, innovation and satisfaction of the client 

Quality and efficiency

Environmental sustainability

POLIMOR is very keen on environmental sustainability and pollution prevention.

Our company implements and develops the so called ‘Environmental Management System’ (Sistema di Gestione Ambientale) following the UNI EN ISO 14001 : 2015 directive. We measure results and improve our actions to reduce environmental impacts, with an innovative approach based on risk management.


POLIMOR sets its goals by keeping into consideration the knowledge of every context and the environmental impact of its policies.


Practically, this is translated in :


  • Reduction of energy waste
  • Reduction of waste production
  • Implementation of differentiated waste collection
  • Research on new innovative materials for the re-use of wastes
Environmental sustainability


POLIMOR is strongly focused on the prevention of dangers and risks for the health and security of its employees. Our companies ensures the best work environment through the respect of the directive UNI ISO 45001:2018, and through :

  • The continuous check of all collected data in terms of security
  • The most advanced securities to ensure safe working conditions
  • A constant education not only of its employees, but also of suppliers and guests
  • The strict respect of the law concerning health and security
  • The periodic check of reached goals through the re-examination of final objectives

Discover out how the Polimor divisions are born

Technological research, development and innovation